Hmm. Which one's the top, then?
God bless Ma McElynn:
His mother, 85-year-old Betty McElynn, also admits he is no longer a priest, saying: "He left for the same reasons so many of them leave." Although she declined to go into details about a decision that was clearly painful for her, she added: "I know about his new life and Sir Cliff, of course. I hope they are happy. But I was surprised to hear that he was advising Sir Cliff on property. That never was John's thing, as far as I know."
Mums. They know just what to say for major embarrassment...
Mm. Whilst I'm sure that's not a particularly flattering photo, he's not all that exciting.
Cliff Richard makes me feel sad.
Compared to Cliff, though, he's sex itself.
And yes, Cliff's (apparently) shrivelled emotional life makes me feel sad too. Which hey, may reflect my Godless prejudices...
She could've gone the whole hog and shown a picture of him at age two, naked, peeing on the petunias.
That's what my mother would've done.
It's Mr Bennet, the cheerleader's dad, from Heroes, innit?
Cliff richard make me feel mad
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